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Ответы (2)
Acceptance report Nr. 01/08
AAAAA SIA (Executive) in a person of Ivans Ivanovs and BBB Ltd (Customer) in a person of Ivanis Kustatis had signed the following acceptance report in a fact that the Executive has been done and Customer accepts the installation of the STATIONS mobile according to the Service Contract AN-1111. The devices, serial numbers: SE111111, have been putted in operation in Riga, Valmiera and Jekabpils in working condition, checked and adjusted according to the manufacturer (SSSSSSSS) regulations.
Executive Customer
AAAAA SIA (Executive) in a person of Ivans Ivanovs and BBB Ltd (Customer) in a person of Ivanis Kustatis had signed the following acceptance report in a fact that the Executive has been done and Customer accepts the installation of the STATIONS mobile according to the Service Contract AN-1111. The devices, serial numbers: SE111111, have been putted in operation in Riga, Valmiera and Jekabpils in working condition, checked and adjusted according to the manufacturer (SSSSSSSS) regulations.
Executive Customer
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